6 Ideas to Spring Clean Your Finances

Spring is a time of new beginnings and an opportunity hit refresh on many aspects of our life that go dormant during the winter months. Not only is it a great time to clean out your closets and plant your gardens, but it’s also the perfect time to get your finances into shape.

Here are 6 ideas to consider when getting your finances in order.

  1. Review your budget.   

    Has your income changed recently? 
    What about your spending habits? 
    Are there categories of spending, such as subscriptions or memberships, that you might be able to cancel to save some money? 

    If you do not have a budget, consider creating one and if you have one, review it and update it if necessary.

  2. Review your credit score.

    A good credit score and making sure there are no errors on your credit report is something that you can do for free at www.annualcreditreport.com

    A credit score of 670 or above is considered good and/or excellent and can help you get better loan rates and even help when applying for a job.

  3. Review how your bills are being paid.

    By automating your payments, you can avoid late fees and accumulating interest.

    Also, consider paying your bills online to help you eliminate paper clutter and be environmentally friendly.

  4. Review how your tax preparation went (or is going) this year.   

    If you are having a hard time finding documents, consider making next year’s tax prep go more smoothly by creating files to store receipts, charitable contributions paperwork and other important tax documents.

    This will help tax preparation be a breeze.

  5. Reevaluate your financial goals.  

    If you are looking back on last year and wishing you had saved more or maybe you didn’t hit your savings goals, consider setting up a savings account where some part of your paycheck is automatically transferred into the account.

    Another option is to consider increasing your 401k contribution if that’s an option for you.

    Doing a budget deep dive will allow you to have a clearer picture if you have additional income you can reallocate to savings.

  6. Review your credit card inventory.

    Taking an audit of all your credit cards and their current balances will help you get an idea of your outstanding credit card debit.

    If you are finding that you need to more aggressively pay down some of your balances, considering consolidating to get a lower rate.

    During your audit, be sure to flag any cards with higher interest rates, so you can prioritize paying those off first.

If you ever find yourself feeling overwhelmed by the challenges of managing your finances, remember that you don't have to face them alone.

At Everyday Money Management, our dedicated team is here to support you every step of the way. We specialize in assisting individuals like you in organizing and maintaining their financial well-being. Don't hesitate to reach out to us today.

Sharon Zissman